Top Artist of May at ArtistSignal
June 4, 2013Harvard Square on 06/07/13
June 7, 2013TOP Artist of May 2013 at ArtistSignal.com contest.
Its been a looooong month of May!!! I can’t thank you enough for all your support!!! You kept us in first place this whole month, you shared our anxiety and you lost hours of sleep just to support us…friends and family and all the other artists!!! I tried naming a few but I am sure I forgot plenty – THANK YOU everyone and you ll definitely be hearing a lot about TIS. [Trapped In Static] in the near future… If you asked us a month ago, “will you win in May?”, our answer would be, “no we just do this for networking”… and YOU made all this possible, you believed in us! THANK YOU again, friends, family, artists and NEW friends! We will keep supporting everyone as much as we can!
I wanted to thank every one of you who voted for us throughout this month! I know it has been tiring, and stressful but we finally made it. I feel so happy to know that we have people we can count on and won’t let us down… Again thanks a lot to those who stayed with us till the end and also for the ones that voted once or twice or more. All of that counted and helped us win this contest! So we will respond to that support by working hard on the recordings coming up, new songs, and videos WE WON’T STOP!
Thanks you so much!